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The life with relief and the dream.
So that your smile and happiness continue all the time,
We create a dream and the future.
With a smile to overflow
For the bright future,
We continue running.
I suggest the most suitable plan to the needs of the times.

What's New and news

I held the formality in the new graduate in 2019
Circle glorification mechanic held a ceremony among people planning entering a company in the head office in Kitakyushu-shi in April, 2019 on November 2. I met seven prospective employees, and there were the greetings by the president the conferment of the informal appointment paper again this year.
The prospective employee was an earnest expression while being tense.
In addition, I held a social gathering at night after the inner formality and was able to spend a happy person time in a friendly atmosphere.

Circle glorification mechanic
Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka 910, Shindoji
TEL 093-451-0538
FAX 093-451-0583
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